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Product Information Form (Passolig Credit Card) E-Ticket System Annual Usage Fee (Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, TFF and Passolig Card with No Logo Cards) 500
E-Ticket System Annual Usage Fee (Ankaragücü, Adana Demirspor, Göztepe, Trabzonspor and Samsunspor Passolig Cards) 250
E-Ticket System Annual Usage Fee (Bursaspor Passolig Cards) 215
E-Ticket System Annual Usage Fee (Other club cards with logos except for Adana Demirspor, Ankaragücü, Beşiktaş, Bursaspor, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, Göztepe, Trabzonspor, Samsunspor, Passolig Card with No Logo and TFF Logo) 164
Advance Transaction Installment Interest Rate %4.75 Monthly Maximum Interest Rate at the time of Transaction, RUSF and BITT shall be added
Cash Advance Interest Rate %5.00 Daily interest, RUSF and BITT shall be added
Default Interest Rate %4.75 Shall be collected in the case payment less than the required minimum amount is effected, RUSF and BITT shall be added
Monthly Delay Interest Rate %5.05 It has taken if less than the minimum payment amount is paid. RUSF and BITT shall be added
Cash Advance Delay Interest Rate %5.30 It is taken if the cash advance amount is not paid on maturity. RUSF and BITT shall be added
Cash Advance Fee from Other Bank Domestic ATMs 3,5% + 0,5 Shall be collected at the time of transaction, BITT shall be added
Cash Advance Fee from Passolig Internet Branch / Passolig Contact Centre 1% Shall be collected at the time of transaction, BITT shall be added
Cash Advance Fee from Abroad ATMs %1,5 + 0,16 USD Shall be collected at the time of transaction, BITT shall be added
Other Bank ATM Credit Card Limit Inquiry Fee 0,25 TL Shall be collected per transaction
E-Ticket System Usage Time Extension Fee (Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, TFF and Passolig Card with No Logo Cards) 500
E-Ticket System Usage Time Extension Fee (Adana Demirspor, Ankaragücü, Göztepe, Trabzonspor and Samsunspor Passolig Cards) 250
E-Ticket System Usage Time Extension Fee (Bursaspor Passolig Cards) 215
E-Ticket System Usage Time Extension Fee (Other club cards with logos except for Adana Demirspor, Ankaragücü, Beşiktaş, Bursaspor, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, Göztepe, Trabzonspor, Samsunspor, Passolig Card with No Logo and TFF Logo) 164
Passolig Card Renewal Fee Due to Lost / Stolen 20 TL There is no charge for the first two lost/stolen in a calendar year. Renewal fee is same as the cost of the card.
Passolig Fenerbahçe World Black Edition Card Lounge Fee 30 USD + VAT In the case of lounge use, the relevant fee will be reflected debt on the card.
Passolig Card Courier Fee 217,00
Payment Channel Fee from Other Bank Domestic ATMs %1,15+1,05TL Per transaction. This fee is valid for the other bank ATMs except Vakıfbank ATMs.
PTT Matic Deposit Fee 3,50 Per Transaction, BITT included
Product Information Form (Passolig Debit Card) E-Ticket System Annual Usage Fee (Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, TFF and Passolig Card with No Logo Cards) 500
E-Ticket System Annual Usage Fee (Ankaragücü, Adana Demirspor, Göztepe, Trabzonspor and Samsunspor Passolig Cards) 250
E-Ticket System Annual Usage Fee (Bursaspor Passolig Cards) 215
E-Ticket System Annual Usage Fee (Other club cards with logos except for Adana Demirspor, Ankaragücü, Beşiktaş, Bursaspor, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, Göztepe, Trabzonspor, Samsunspor, Passolig Card with No Logo and TFF Logo) 164
Cash Advance Withdrawal Fee from Other Bank Domestic ATMs 1,15%+ 1,05 Shall be collected per transaction, BITT shall be added
Other Bank ATM Balance Inquiry Commission 0,25 Shall be collected per transaction
ATM Balance Inquiry Commission from Abroad ATMs 1 USD Shall be collected per transaction
Cash Advance Withdrawal Fee from Abroad ATMs 1,5 % + 0,16 USD Shall be collected per transaction, BITT shall be added
E-Ticket System Usage Time Extension Fee (Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, TFF and Passolig Card with No Logo Cards) 500 No fee shall be collected from the first 2 renewals in one calendar year
E-Ticket System Usage Time Extension Fee (Adana Demirspor, Ankaragücü, Göztepe, Trabzonspor and Samsunspor Passolig Cards) 250
E-Ticket System Usage Time Extension Fee (Bursaspor Passolig Cards) 215
E-Ticket System Usage Time Extension Fee (Other club cards with logos except for Adana Demirspor, Ankaragücü, Beşiktaş, Bursaspor, Fenerbahçe, Galatasaray, Göztepe, Trabzonspor, Samsunspor, Passolig Card with No Logo and TFF Logo) 164
Passolig Card Renewal Fee Due to Lost / Stolen 20 TL There is no charge for the first two lost/stolen in a calendar year. Renewal fee is same as the cost of the card.
Passolig Card Courier Fee 217,00
Payment Channel Fee from Other Bank Domestic ATMs %1,15+1,05TL Per transaction. This fee is valid for the other bank ATMs except Vakıfbank ATMs.
PTT Matic Deposit Fee 3,50 Per Transaction, BITT included
Cash Advance Withdrawal Fee from PTT Matic 1,15%+ 1,05 Shall be collected per transaction, BITT shall be added
For the account activities prior to the last year For account activities prior to last year 1,5 Per page
For printing receipts for the transactions prior to the last year 5 Per page
Delivery of printed material via Post / Courier 2,50 Per page
Account maintenance fee Free of charge

* Should you card get cancelled upon issuance or should you wish to terminate the use of your card for any reason, the E-Ticket System Subscription Fee that is collected during application shall not be returned.

** Passolig Kredi Kartı başvurunuzun onaylanmaması halinde, Passolig avantajlarından faydalanabilmeniz için gönderilecek Passolig Banka Kartı için geçerlidir.


In the case the interest rate is increased, it is obligatory that such change is notified to the card holder before thirty days in order for such change to be deemed valid. In the case the card holder stops using the credit card upon paying off all the debt within sixty days latest as of the notification date with regard to the interest increase, he/she shall not be affected by the interest increase. The card holder is entitled to cancel the card and terminate the agreement by means of placing a request.


As for the fees in this form, the fee changes not exceeding the annual consumer prices index increase rate announced as of the end of the previous year by the Turkish Statistical Institute within one calendar year shall be notified to your side by means of e-mail, ATM, telephone, short message service or similar tools. You have the right to waive the use of the product or the service within 15 days after the date of notification. In the case such right is exercised, no additional interest, fee and/or commission shall be collected from your side with regard to the new period under any circumstances. The E-Ticket usage fees in this form are increased at the annual average of Producer Price Index/Consumer Prices Index.

In the case the fee change pertaining to the use of product or service is not accepted, our Bank shall be entitled to reserve the right to cease the provision of such service to your side.

In the case you would like to utilize instant transactions and services which are not continuous, information regarding the fee shall be provided to your side before such fee is collected at the time of transaction and your approval shall be obtained. Fee information regarding the non-continuous instant transactions and services shall be displayed to your side on the relevant channel before the transaction is realized and be collected after your approval has been obtained. You can receive the fee information regarding these transactions at the addresses and


According to the type of product and service, collection shall be realized in cash or by approximation or by debiting the credit card account at the request of the customer or by means of collecting from the limit of the overdraft account.


A cash management account is opened linked to an account allocated to the debit card and/or the credit card and in the case a current account balance is formed above the defined minimum limit, the exceeding amount shall automatically be valorised by means of repo / reverse repo. If desired, the customer may cancel the repo/reverse repo transaction defined in his/her account by means of placing a request at the 0850 724 3344 Call Centre and may elect other investment tools provided by the Bank. In such a case, the Customer shall sign the other agreements and forms regarding the legislation to which the relevant investment tool relates.

Any detailed information other than the above summarized issues and the fee information included in the below tables are included in the Passolig Service Terms and Conditions Agreement. This form, is the annex to your Passolig Service Terms and Conditions Agreement. We hereby kindly submit for your information the product information form related to the financial service requested by your side over the Internet Banking. In the case approval is granted by your side over the address during the Passolig application stage, you shall be deemed to have read and approved this form.