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Campaign is valid between February 1st - 28th, 2015.

Only customers who receive SMS notifications of the campaign may benefit from it.

The campaign is available for Passolig Credit Card only. Passolig Card and Cüzdan Pre-Paid Card spendings are not included.

If all your spendings exceed 250 TL throughout the month, you will win 10% discount of the total amount of spending. Each single spending should be minimum 50 TL.

To attend the campaign please text FIRSAT and send your sms to 6033.

If your spendings between 1-28 February reach 250 TL or beyond, the campaign discount will be reflected in your account in the first week of March.

The maximum discount amount is 50 TL per customer.

Cancellation and return transactions are not included in the campaign, and any such amount will be deducted from the sum.

Match ticket purchases and spendings in jewelry and telecommunications as well as cash advance transactions are not included in the campaign.

This campaign can not be combined with another Passolig Card campaigns.

Customers can participate in the offer and earn a discount on condition that their card is available for use during the offer period without any sort of limitations to its use.

Passolig reserves the right to make changes in campaign conditions.